Stock on Hand Report by Product Category

Stock on Hand Report by Product Category

Stock on Hand Report by Product Category

See also - Video - Stock on Hand Report

This report will display a breakdown for the wholesale and retail values for each category and subcategory of products counted in the venue.  Summarizing this information can help the client see at a glance where they might be overstocked without needing to dig through the more detailed reports.

For a more detailed look within each subcategory they will need to review the Stock on Hand for Total Venue by Units or Stock on Hand by Product Reports. 

All items in Pilot are displayed as the following: 

  • Entered manually: Values physically typed into Pilot by an Account Manager.

  • Imported digitally: A CSV file exported from the POS or purchase management system, modified, and imported into Pilot.

  • Combination of Both: Importing a CSV file and making manual adjustments.

  • Calculated: Pilot will calculate these values based on equations from different numbers in the software.

To explain the reports clearly to clients, you will need to have a complete understanding of each number in this report, where it comes from (i.e. how you entered it into the reports) or how it’s calculated.  This report is one of the most important reports that Pilot produces and one you will use several times per day.

Knowing how it works inside out will not only help you double check your work, but provide the highest possible value to your clients.

  1. Audit Date for the Report - This is the date that the audit occurred on.

  1. Stock on Hand Wholesale Values by Category - Calculated - The graph shows a quick representation  of the cost value by category. This can be helpful in showing the relationship to other categories with stockholdings.  The value may not seem high when displayed as a number, but can become obviously high when shown in comparison to other categories.   

  1. Cost Value Total for a Category - Calculated - The total cost value for all 11 liquor subcategories within the venue. These values are calculated based on the cost value for the products in Pilot. These figures will not be accurate if there are missing cost values for products.

  1. Retail Value Total for a Category - Calculated - The total retail value for all 11 liquor subcategories within the venue. These values are calculated based on the retail value for the products in Pilot. These figures will not be accurate if there are missing retail values for products.

  1. Total Value of Stock at Cost - Calculated - The total cost value of all categories for the venue.

  1. Total Value of Stock at Retail - Calculated - The total retail value of all categories for the venue.  Ideally you will not want to see this number more than 4x the retail sales for a period.  There can be exceptions to this such as if they have to buy wine by the case and it does not sell quickly, or the venue could look into other options at a different price point that might sell faster. Some venues will buy liquor by the case because it is offered at an overall discount per bottle.  This is an attractive offer only if the venue can turn the stock into sales quickly. Otherwise there is excess product sitting around and can cause the staff to think there is an endless supply and can lead to a higher variance through over pours and not recording all sales. 

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