Setting up a Purchase File for Importing & How to Concatenate a String

Setting up a Purchase File for Importing & How to Concatenate a String

Step 1: Select the boxes for the data you want to import:

  1. Product Code
  2. Product Name
  3. Quantity Purchased
  4. Total Purchased Value

Step 2: Get rid of data you don't need

Examples of data you can delete
  1. Vendor name
  2. Dates
  3. UPC codes
  4. PO numbers, etc.
Examples of data to KEEP
  1. Product number
  2. Quantity
  3. Product volume / bottle size (this will become part of the NAME you'll assign later)
  4. Extended price/ total cost per item

Step 3: Reorganize the columns of data in way that makes sense to you

This is where you'll begin concatenating strings of data.

Setting Up a Purchase File + How to Concatenate a String