What Files Do You Need From A Client’s Point Of Sale (POS), And Why?

What Files Do You Need From A Client’s Point Of Sale (POS), And Why?

The Various Files You Might Need From A Client’s Point Of Sale (PoS), And Why They Are Important

Common Reports by POS

Listed below are several different POS types along with common reports we’ll download for our audits.


  • Product Mix

  • Sales Summary

  • Retail Price by Name

  • Void Reports


  • Item Sales (click the item and you can see who/when rung in)

  • Payment Types

Digital Dining

  • Menu Reports

    • Menu Price List = Prices of every item

    • Menu Item List = List of every item

    • Menu Item Recipes = List of recorded recipes

    • Menu Modifiers List = List of all items coded as modifiers

  • Discount Reports

    • Discount Audit = List of the comps and their values

  • Sales Reports

    • EOD Menu Item Report = sales file/product mix

  • Void Reports

    • Void Summary = summary of all voids

    • Voids by Manager = voids made by manager

    • Void Audit Trail = All checks with voids


  • Daily Item Report

  • Item Sales

  • Open Item Report

  • Discounts

  • Barmetrix Export Report

  • Void Report


  • Movement Report

  • Discounts Report

  • Activity Report

  • Voided Items Report 

  • Maintenance, Item, Item List


  • Sales by Item with Mods

  • Sales - Order Item - Order Type (click item and you can see who/when rung in) 


  • Barmetrix Export Report

  • Menu Item List Report

  • Sys Item Sales Detail

  • Consolidated Sys Item Sales Detail


  • Item Sales Trend

  • Menu Item Listing

  • Daily Sales Report

  • Sales Journal

  • Quick Menu pulls up the POS screen and allows you to check for buttons that may have the wrong name assigned on the back end. 


  • Product Mix - This is our sales file that we will format and import

  • Menu Items - A list of all buttons on the menu. Can click on these to update the name, category, price etc.

  • Menu Item Category - Can view/change the categories of specific items on the Menu Item List

  • Labor Details - Hours & rates of employees. Can use this to calculate labor costs

  • Daily Sales Summary - You can use sales totals from this summary to verify that your other sales file has reported information correctly


  • Menu, Product Mix

  • Menu, Product Mix, Top Modifiers

  • Items Database, Items

  • Sales Summary




Want to learn more? Check out the Sales File Handbook.

Click below to download a printable version of Common Reports by POS

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