Variance by Category

Variance by Category

Variance by Category

The Variance by Category report will help summarize the variances by category and then broken down by each subcategory for the venue. This report can help narrow the focus of the client to a specific section in the Liquor Variance Report if they are looking for higher variance or COG numbers.  

To explain the reports clearly to clients, you will need to have a complete understanding of each number in this report, where it comes from (i.e. how you entered it into the reports) or how it’s calculated.  This report is one of the most important reports that Pilot produces and one you will use several times per day.

Knowing how it works inside out will not only help you double check your work, but provide the highest possible value to your clients.

  1. Date Range of Report  - Entered Manually - This is the date range you will select when the report is generated.  

  1. Variance by Category - Calculated - The graph shows a quick representation of the variance by category. This can be helpful in showing the relationship to the variance for those other categories.  The value may not seem high when displayed as a number but can become obviously high when shown in comparison to other categories.   

  1. Variance in Units - Calculated - Broken down by category and then subcategory to show the combined variance in units (bottles or shots/glasses depending on how the subcategories are setup) for all products within those categories and subcategories.  

  1. Variance at Cost - Calculated - Shown by category and then subcategory, to sum up the combined wholesale cost variance for all products within those categories and subcategories.

  1. Variance at Retail - Calculated - Shown by category and then subcategory, to sum up the combined retail price variance for all products within those categories and subcategories.

  1. Variance % - Calculated - Overall variance from all products within the categories and then subcategories 

  1. Potential COG % - Calculated - Value for each subcategory and category 

  1. Actual COG% - Calculated - Value for each subcategory and category.

  1. Category Totals - Calculated - Sum of all subcategories for Variance Units, Wholesale, Retail, Percentage, Potential and Actual COG %s.