Basic Consulting Process:
Understanding Confrontation & Getting Over the Fear
In my post about teaching people how to treat you, one of my points in particular got a lot of comments…
Don’t put up with crap.
Correct people when you don’t like how you are being treated. The common fear of confrontation can hurt relationships as much as anything else.
For years, I have believed that I dealt with confrontation very well. For you, my friends; I have researched and learned that I am amere amateur
confrontationist. I have tested some of the new principles I read for this post and they have literally changed several extremely important relationships in my life.
Here are the points that I really believe in…tell me what resonates with you.
Make your initial statement and stop talking.
I was recently told, “You really need to know when to stop talking.” It hurt at the time but she could not have been more right.
Avoid arguing during the confrontation. Confrontation does not mean “fight”. Keep emotions out of it.
Figure out the conflict resolution you want before the confrontation. Knowing your desired outcome will allow you to make sure things do
not get off track.
Don’t assume they get it.
You have your paradigm, they have theirs.
Stay Curious. If you care about what they think, it will show. This will help them to perceive your genuine intentions.
Be direct. Do not beat around the bush; circuitous language will just confuse.
The Readiness Is All. Prepare, prepare, prepare…