Target COG Report

Target COG Report

Target COG Report

This report will serve as a quick review to ensure that all Retail and Wholesale prices were entered correctly and can give the client a basic look Target COG for all product offerings. 

Ensuring these values are correct is very important as the retail price and wholesale costs are out in the open for the client for all to see. 

All items in Pilot are displayed as the following: 

  • Entered manually: Values physically typed into Pilot by an Account Manager.

  • Imported digitally: A CSV file exported from the POS or purchase management system, modified, and imported into Pilot.

  • Combination of Both: Importing a CSV file and making manual adjustments.

  • Calculated: Pilot will calculate these values based on equations from different numbers in the software.

To explain the reports clearly to clients, you will need to have a complete understanding of each number in this report, where it comes from (i.e. how you entered it into the reports) or how it’s calculated.  This report is one of the most important reports that Pilot produces and one you will use several times per day.

Knowing how it works inside out will not only help you double check your work, but provide the highest possible value to your clients.

  1. Cost Per Unit - Calculated by Pilot - This is the cost of one serving size of each product.  This can be a glass of wine, shot of liquor, pint of beer.  

  1. Retail Price Per Unit - Manually Entered - This is the retail price of one serving size of each product.  This can be a glass of wine, shot of liquor, pint or bottle of beer.  The value can be entered from several locations in Pilot:

    • When importing the sales there is a box to check that will update the retail prices during the mapping or 

    • The Account Manager can enter the retail price manually from the Retail Pricing Grid on the Product Tab

    • The price can be updated in the Stock Summary Screen

    • The retail price can be exported from Pilot, updated on a spreadsheet and then imported back into Pilot.  

    • When the report is run and after selecting the date range the first box that pops up will allow you to update and Retail prices that are currently at $0.00. 

  1. COG Per Unit % - Calculated by Pilot - The value is calculated at a basic level for any product that is served as a partial unit and will be any product poured out of a larger container as a smaller amount (pint of beer, shot of liquor, glass or wine) and only using the wholesale cost per unit and the full retail price and does not take into account variance or discounts on product sales.  

Cost per Unit

-------------------------------- =  COG Per Unit %

Retail Price per Unit

  1. Cost Per Bottle - Manually Entered - This is the cost of one serving size of each product sold as a full bottle.  This can be a bottle of wine or beer. The value can be entered from several locations in Pilot:

    • During the Purchase Import, there is a checkbox to update the wholesale prices at the end of the mapping import.

    • While manually entering invoices the Account Manager should always compare the value in Pilot to the value on the invoice.  

    • The Account Manager can enter the wholesale price manually from the Wholesale Costing Grid on the Product Tab.

    • The wholesale cost can be updated in the Stock Summary Screen.

    • The wholesale cost can be exported from Pilot, updated on a spreadsheet and then imported back into Pilot.  

    • When the report is run and after selecting the date range the first box that pops up will allow you to update and Cost prices that are currently at $0.00.

  1. Retail Price Per Bottle - Manually Entered - This is the retail price of one full unit of each product.  This could be a bottle of beer or wine. The value can be entered from several locations in Pilot:

    • When importing the sales there is a box to check that will update the retail prices during the mapping or 

    • The Account Manager can enter the retail price manually from the Retail Pricing Grid on the Product Tab

    • The price can be updated in the Stock Summary Screen

    • The retail price can be exported from Pilot, updated on a spreadsheet and then imported back into Pilot.  

    • When the report is run and after selecting the date range the first box that pops up will allow you to update and Retail prices that are currently at $0.00. 

  1. COG Per Bottle % - Calculated by Pilot - The value is calculated at a basic level for any product that is served as a full unit (bottle of beer or wine) and only using the wholesale cost per unit and the full retail price and does not take into account variance or discounts on product sales.  

Cost per Unit

-------------------------------- =  COG Per Unit %

Retail Price per Unit


----------------  = .164 x 100 = 16.4%


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