Stock Order Report

Stock Order Report

Stock Order Report

See also: How to Read & Use the Stock Order Report (Video)

The Stock Order Report will help your clients order the correct amount of product without running out for their ordering period or over ordering.  The report will also show the Average weekly Usage to help figure out if they are overstock on particular products. 

With this report, you can set the Audit Period Time, Number of Audits to factor into the calculations and a Buffer Percentage to help order a little extra stock during those unexpected busy nights.  This is a guide and should be used in conjunction with knowledge of upcoming events outside of normal operations and planned changes in product offerings. The report looks back over a set number of audits to work out the order numbers, but does not predict the future.  

The report can be shown by product or by supplier if the supplier is set for each product which can be done easily from the purchases screen or Product Options screen.  

You will want to work with your client on setting this report up and pay close attention to the stock levels if there is customization to products so the venue does not get overstocked.  

All items in Pilot are displayed as the following: 

  • Entered manually: Physically typed in by an Account Manager

  • Imported digitally: A file for sales or non-revenue sales exported from the POS

  • Combination of Both: Importing a file and making manual adjustments

To explain the reports clearly to clients, you will need to have a complete understanding of each number in this report, where it comes from (i.e. how you entered it into the reports) or how it’s calculated.  This report is one of the most important reports that Pilot produces and one you will use several times per day.

Knowing how it works inside out will not only help you double check your work, but provide the highest possible value to your clients.

Before using the Order Report, you will need to set up a few parameters.  These can be changed later. You will usually need 3-4 audits for the calculations to have a history of data to work from.  

  1. Number of Days to Forecast - Manually Entered - This value represents the audit period. For weekly audits this number will be 7 days and for bi-weekly audits this number will be 14.  

  1. Number of Stocktake Periods to Audit - Manually Entered - For weekly this can be set to 4-6 for bi-weekly this should not be set to more than 4 unless otherwise agreed upon. 

  1. Delivery Time Period Buffer Percentage - Manually Entered - This value is the amount of extra product that will be factored into the order amounts to help clients not run out of stock between audits

  1. Show Only Products with an Order - Manually Entered - With this box checked, the report will be restricted to show only products that have an order.  This will be client specific request. Most clients will want to see all the products to verify if any orders need to change. 

  1. Show Supplier Code - Manually Entered - These codes need to be manually entered in Liquor Product List -> Select Bottle Size -> Bottle Specific Information -> Supplier Code. These codes are numeric only and are a product code that the Supplier uses to designate a specific product and bottle size.  

  1. Show Report by - Manually Entered -  The report will be organized by the Category (beer, liquor, wine…) or Subcategory (Bottle Beer, Draft, Bourbon, Gin, Rum, Red Wine…).  Organizing by Subcategory is generally a better and preferred way to view the report. This view will make the report easier to read and understand.  

  1. Set Rounding and Order Logic - Manually Selected - This section refers to how product orders will be calculated on the order report.  Each product can have its own setting, but for most products, they will be set using the Category or Subcategory.  If possible, you will want to go through this with your client and set it to their specifications. However, going through each product does take time and it will be sometimes difficult to have a clients time/attention for this long of a period.

For products that are generally ordered by the case (beer and wine), you can select 1 product from the list, set the rounding, and then select the Category or Subcategory if you wish to apply the settings to more than 1 product such as all Bottled Beer. 

  1. Slow Moving Threshold - Manually Selected - Slow moving or expensive products may not always generate an Auto Par number, but if a client would always like to have a certain amount of product in house or a reminder to order as the product on the shelf gets used, you can set it up with this section. Selecting this option will set the Auto Par and trigger an order for that product.  

  1. Set Product Specific Minimums - Manually Entered - This field will allow you to set a minimum order level that is requested by the client.  They may have discounts for ordering products by the case or a set number of cases for highly used products.  If the report would show 2 bottles needing to be ordered, this value could be changed to 1 case. 

  1. Set Product Specific Auto Par - Manually Entered - The client may want to have a set number of product on hand at all times.  A scenario for this reason could be that they have multiple bars in the venue and they want to have 1 or 2 bottles back up for each bar at all times.  

  1. Set Supplier - Manually Selected - This field will allow you to set the supplier for an individual product in the product list.  Having products setup with suppliers will enable you to generate an Order Report by Supplier. 

  1. Exclude Product from Order Report - Manually Selected - This check box will remove products from the order report.  If there are products that are dead stock and not being sold or no longer offered at the venue, you can check the box and that product will no longer be displayed in the report.  

  1. Ignore Open Bottles in the Order Report - Manually Selected -  By selecting this checkbox, the Order Report will not factor any open products into the Order Report calculations.  If there is only 1 open bottle in the venue, the report will treat that product as if there is no product in house.  

  1. Globally Set Logic for Category - Manually Selected - This button works in conjunction with other settings to select the settings for one product and then use those setting across all products in that Category (Beer, Wine, Liquor...).  Review which categories products and subcategories are assigned. Champagne could be in the wine category, but only sell a bottle or two per week compared to red wine selling 10 bottles per week. Champagne may not need a case order each time and the venue is ok with just ordering 3 bottles a week.  

  1. Globally Set Logic for Subcategory - Manually Selected - This button works in conjunction with other settings to select the settings for one product and then use those setting across all products in that Subcategory (Bottled Beer, Red Wine, Bourbon, Gin Rum...)

  2. Delivery Buffer and Forecast - Manually Entered - This field displays the information that you filled when you began to run the report and confirms for the client how the report is calculated.  You will need to review these values and explanations with the client.   

  1. Current Stock - Calculated by Pilot - These values will be the counts from that audit entered into Pilot for all stocktake locations and shown in Units for open products, Full Bottles/Kegs, and Cases.

  1. Average Weekly Usage - Calculated by Pilot - This value is a great number to make your clients aware of especially when they have excess product in the venue.