Spill Sheets and POS Media Accounts

Spill Sheets and POS Media Accounts

Moving Data from a Client's Spill Sheet or Notebook to Pilot

In this video you'll learn how to enter data from a spill sheet into non-revenue sales and then combine that with discounts coming from the POS system.

To enter the data from the actual spill sheet, in Pilot:

  1. Under the STOCK TAKE tab, click on ENTER NON-REVENUE SALES
  2. Click "Enter NEW Non-Revenue Sales Data" & select "Liquor"
  3. A list of products will appear, where you will enter the units or bottles used
  4. You'll have a total sales amount, which you will then need to add to the spill amount.
  5. Click "Done"

Next, look at the DISCOUNT FILE that came from the POS

  1. Export and organize the file 
  2. You're looking for the categories related to spills, comps, discounts, etc.
  3. Once that's sorted, you're ready to input the data into Pilot


  1. Select Modify/View Previous Sales Data & select the appropriate audit date
  2. Add the data from the discount file to Pilot

  1. Click DONE and SAVE
  2. You can then run the report and see those amounts in the sales breakdown.