Serving Sizes - What They Mean

Serving Sizes - What They Mean

Serving Sizes and the Number of Ounces in Common Bottle / Keg Sizes

Serving Size: The basic unit of measure that each venue uses.

Most commonly, the standard serving size is

  1. Liquor: 1 Single Pour (this could be .5oz/1 ounce, 1.5 ounces, etc. depending on the venue)
  2. Wine: 1 Glass
  3. Draft Beer - 1 Pint
  4. Packaged Beer 1 bottle/can

Common Bottle Sizes:

  1. Packaged Beer (355 ml) = 12 oz
  2. Packaged Beer (473 ml) =  16 oz

Standard pours will vary from venue to venue. Make sure you know the correct measure for each. 


Click below to download the conversions for easy reference.