Sales by Bar Report

Sales by Bar Report

Sales by Bar Report

This report will show you a sales break down for each bar in a venue where revenues (sales) are assigned and can quickly show the most and least profitable bars during the audit period.

The sales will be broken down by Category and a Cocktail category.  The values are shown in overall sales for the Category and their respective sales percentage. 

All items in Pilot are displayed as the following: 

  • Entered manually: Values physically typed into Pilot by an Account Manager.

  • Imported digitally: A CSV file exported from the POS or purchase management system, modified, and imported into Pilot.

  • Combination of Both: Importing a CSV file and making manual adjustments.

  • Calculated: Pilot will calculate these values based on equations from different numbers in the software.

To explain the reports clearly to clients, you will need to have a complete understanding of each number in this report, where it comes from (i.e. how you entered it into the reports) or how it’s calculated.  This report is one of the most important reports that Pilot produces and one you will use several times per day.

Knowing how it works inside out will not only help you double check your work, but provide the highest possible value to your clients.

  1. Bar Name - Entered Manually - The name of the bar is set up by the Account Manager prior to starting the first count at the venue in the Venue Management Tab -> Venue Bar Setup -> Bar Settings.  There may be times where you will have incomplete information when starting a venue or find that you need to create another area to record sales from the POS, manually, or from another revenue reporting center such as Square if the venue does not have a POS terminal installed at that location. 

  1. Categories of Sales - Entered Manually - The Categories listed come from the Product Setup Tab -> Category Setup.  You can define any number of categories needed for your venue to organize products. These Categories are used again the the Subcategory Setup.  Here you will be assigning the Subcategories to the Categories. An example of this is adding Bourbon, Gin, Rum, Tequila, and Vodka Subcategory to the Liquor Category.  You may have 10 or 12 Subcategories listed under 1 Category or just a Beer Subcategory listed under the Beer Category. The setup will vary from client to client. Standard bars will have similar setups while more complex venues (hotels, wine bars, beer bars, nightclubs) could have a more specialized setup.

  1. Category Sales Totals - Calculated - Each of the Categories will have sales distributed by Pilot based on the settings in the Category and Subcategory Setups.  Here the venue can see just how those sales break down at each bar. The pie chart will show a graphical representation of those sales. 


Category Dollar Amount 

------------------------------------- = Percentage of Category Sales

total revenue for that bar. 


---------------- = .476 x 100 = 47.6% rounded to 48%


  1. Total Sales of the Bar - Calculated - This value is the total sales that were recorded at that bar for all the categories listed.  

  1. Percentage of Sales Per Bar - Calculated- This value represents the total sales from that bar compared to the total sales for the entire venue.

Roof - Monument Bar

----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Percentage of Sales Per Bar

Total Venue Revenue (Operations Summary Report)


-------------------- = 0.838 x 100 = 83.8% rounded up to 84%


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