Proper Weighing Process

Proper Weighing Process

The Proper Way to Weigh Bottles

  1. Always approach a row of bottles on the far left side. 
  1. You'll do your count from left to right and top to bottom.

Use a 2-handed counting/weighing method

  1. Pick up the bottle (right hand)
  2. Scan it (left hand)
  3. Set on Scale (right hand)
  4. Put back on the shelf (left hand)
  5. Repeat

Using this method:
  1. you won't cross one arm over the other,
  2. you'll be able to maintain control of the bottles
  3. you will reduce the chance of product damage
  4. you'll be able to maintain fluid motions, which will allow for
    1. greater speed and
    2. accuracy

Video: How to Count/Scan/Weigh Bottles

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