Paid and Unpaid Leave

Paid and Unpaid Leave

Paid and Unpaid Leave

Full-time Barmetrix employees will be paid for 15 days of paid time off (PTO) each calendar year. Paid Time Off (PTO) is an all-purpose time off policy for eligible employees to use for vacation, illness, injury, or personal business. 

PTO combines traditional vacation, holiday and sick leave plans into one flexible, inclusive policy. 

PTO is payable in the same manner as the regular salary and is subject to the same withholding elections. 

Employees who experience an unexpected illness or emergency should notify their direct supervisor as soon as practical.

Employees must also contact their direct supervisor on each additional day of absence. 

Vacation, Personal & Sick Day Policy and Process

At Barmetrix, we feel getting away from work is a critical component to a work life balance. Therefore we highly encourage our staff to plan ahead, book in your vacation days and ensure that you use up all your vacation within the calendar year. 

Company Observed Federal Holidays

Barmetrix observes and will be closed for the following days each year. Most employees will be off  work and will be paid their standard wage for these days:

  • New Year's Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Day after Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Day

Vacation Day Beginning Availability and Rollover Policy:

The full set of an employee's leave days are available for use upon completion of the first 60 days of employment.

In the case that an employee quits or is terminated with just cause, all used vacation days will be assessed on a standard monthly accrual and any days that have been used by the employee above and beyond that accrual will be assessed against their final paycheck.

Any days that are not used by an employee by the end of a calendar year will be honored for the first quarter of the following year. After that time, those days will be lost to the employee.

 Leave Requests

 Requests for time off will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. We will make every effort to accommodate the requested leave time, while maintaining adequate coverage for effective business operations.

  •  Leave requests for two or fewer days consecutive days must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.

  •  Requests for leave of more than 3 consecutive days must be submitted at least 60 days in advance.

Personal/Sick Days:  

We understand that employees will get ill and need to take time off. We also understand that doctors visits booked with extremely short notice are going to happen. However, any personal days that are not sick days or late notice doctors visits will need to follow the same exact procedure as vacation days above.

Sick days are charged against an employee’s overall PTO, and records are maintained by supervisory staff.

Vacation Request Submission and review process:

All leave requests must be submitted via email to your immediate supervisor. Your request will not be approved or denied until your supervisor responds via email.

You will be required to consider the following information before submitting any requests:

  • Who is going to cover you/your company obligations in your absence (bullet point plan where necessary)

  • What you are going to do to prepare for your absence (bullet point plan where necessary)

Communication is critical. If your leave time is approved, you are responsible to keep all team members informed of your absence. Send an email to the team one (1) week before your leave begins, and on the day before your leave begins.


  • Vacations on the back of other holidays will be discouraged (not impossible to accomplish but it puts a heavy load on the rest of the team)

  • Holidays that force the company to incur significant extra costs will be discouraged (eg, if there is a pre-planned event that the company relies on your particular skill set for) will be discouraged.