All equipment that is the property of a Barmetrix office that is held by a Barmetrix employee during work or non-work hours is the responsibility of that employee. If at any time Barmetrix requests equipment held by a Barmetrix employee be returned to the office, that employee is required to comply with that request within 24 hours.
If the employee can not or will not return any equipment to Barmetrix upon request, the full, current retail value of any equipment not returned will be taken out of their paycheck. Any remaining balance will be paid in full by the employee within 15 days.
Barmetrix equipment includes any and all material items that are the property of any Barmetrix office. This includes, but is not limited to, field auditing equipment as follows:
Laptop computer
Barcode scanner
Bottle scale, cable, and case
Keg scale
Equipment bag
In order to mitigate an event of theft, Barmetrix has implemented the following policies:
No employee is to ever leave their equipment in an unattended car for any length of time for any reason; this includes the trunk.
No employee is to ever leave their equipment in any client location where they can not immediately see the equipment.
No employee is to ever leave their equipment bag, empty or not, within eyesight of the exterior of a venue such as the front door or exterior windows.
No employee is to leave any part of their equipment bag unzipped at any time for any reason.
I, __________________________________________________, have read, understood, and agree to comply with the Barmetrix equipment policy.
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________
Witness:_________________________________________ Date:_____________________