Employee Appearance and Hygiene

Employee Appearance and Hygiene

Employee Appearance and Hygiene

All employees are expected to arrive to work dressed appropriately for their particular job function and are responsible for the maintenance and repair of their company uniform. All employees are expected to uphold the company image at all times.

Barmetrix issues company shirts with the company logo to employees conducting face-to-face client work e.g. Inventory Control. Employees issued uniforms are expected to keep them properly maintained and laundered.


Hair is to be kept clean, neat and well trimmed.  Gentlemen are expected to be clean shaven. If beards are to be worn, they are to be well trimmed at all times.


Most importantly, please take great pride and care of your personal hygiene.  Caring for your personal appearance reflects directly on your commitment to yourself and your team.


SMILE-the most important part of your uniform!


I, _________________________________________ have read and understand the Barmetrix company policy on Appearance and Grooming



Initials of Supervisor _____________

Please print, sign and return the attached document to your supervisor.

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