Dress Code

Dress Code

Dress Code

Dress for success! You are the face of the Barmetrix brand. It’s important that when we’re out in the field, people see us as a professional team—and step one of that presentation is our uniform.

Because we work in bars, and have to bend, lift, crouch, and work in sometimes dirty stockrooms, so the clothes we wear need to be comfortable. You may be issued a Barmetrix branded polo shirt, but if not:

The uniform is simple: 

  • Solid black polo shirt

  • Solid black pants

  • Black shoes

  • Black Belt

  • Black Socks


  • Clean shaven or a well-trimmed beard

  • Hair well groomed - long hair should be pulled back

Uniform Appearance & Maintenance

All clothing fit well, be clean and remain in good repair.


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