Coronavirus Contingency Plans

Coronavirus Contingency Plans

Coronavirus Contingency Plans

What You Can Do To Help Your Clients

Mindset: Your mission is to help venue leadership run a more successful business and have higher profitability.


You need to:

  • Adapt now or face cut-backs

  • Be proactive 

  • Offer solutions


For YOU and your client:

  • Do they want to cancel an audit/ session?

    • Offer to swap a few hours contingency-planning time for a normal session

Solutions to offer for CLIENTS:

  • Make sanitation more obvious:

    • Signage out front and in bathrooms noting extra measures in place

    • Staff with hand sanitizer visible on body

    • Communication to patrons about kitchen precautions

  • Staff in quarantine: What happens?

    • Plan in place: 14 days with/without pay?

    • What if they have a doctor’s note? 

    • Think it through NOW 

  • Forecast your business:

    • Revenue 

    • Staff hours

    • Cash on hand

  • Talk to ALL staff

    • Find out WHO NEEDS/WANTS WHAT?

    • Some staff will have kids or elderly parents they look after and want fewer hours

    • Others will be more flexible/neutral

  • Sort staff into A, B, C categories

  • Ensure that you take good care of your A’s

  •  Financial Relief:

    • Insurance:

      • Ask about terms/conditions- “Natural Disaster”?

    • Landlord

      • Deferred rent payment better than no payment

    • Government subsidies

  • Borrowing Capacity: Check in with

    • Bank

    • Other lenders

    •  Partners/Cash Call

    • Friends


  • Supply Chain

    • Delivery cut-backs

    • Products out of stock

    • Plan B’s

  • Inventory

    • Run it tight

    • Use up run-off products: Get creative

    •  Cash is King

  •  Slack time

    • Staff and management

      • utility players,

      •  rotating roles

    • Maintenance projects – make use of slow days

    • Promotions (get on phones + email database)

  •  Consider Hours of Operation adaptation:

    • More businesses working from home

    • Fewer lunchtime customers -- cut lunchtime ops?

    • Etc.

  • Take Out Business: BOOMING

    • Kitchen production

    • Adapt menu items

    • Family-style meals

      • Pasta Pantry in AUS- sold trays of great pasta, big salads

    • Drinks – usually disappointing, figure out how to improve drink delivery

    • Advertise take-out tableside

      • New strategic customers!

      • May be the last time customers are in the brick-and-mortar for a while

**NOW is the time to put a good contingency plan in place and you can help drive this.

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